Special Olympics Romania Foundation organized on December the 3rd a sports event within the “Motor abilities development project for Down Syndrome individuals – essential step towards an independent life” project, financed through the SEE 2009¬2014 grants, under the ONG Romanian Fund. The Unified Gymnastics Sports Competition was held in a sports hall Apollo from Bucharest. The competition brought together 54 athletes, with and without intellectual disabilities, from ”Sindrom Down” Bucharest Association, ”Down Plus” Bucharest Association, ”Be a Butterfly” Association,”Mână de Lucru” Fundation, ”Mihai” Association, ”Terapii Bucharest” Association, ”Infantia” Association, ” Swimmers with Down Syndrome” Association, ”Angels Down Friends” Association, Hoffnung Association, Independent Group Ghițulescu . They have the support of 55 parents and volunteers.
For additional official information regarding the SEE and Norwegian grants please visit www.eeagrants.org.